Friday's 31 Thing Fling Day

I just joined a group on yahoo and they had this neat little reminder that as Proverbs 31 Woman we can adapt to our homes (especially if you are like me and tend to make "piles" and the clutter seems to get a little out of control sometimes).

Title: Friday's 31 Thing Fling!
Date: Every Friday!
Time: 7:00 am - 8:00 am
Repeats: This event repeats every week.
Location: all around the home
Notes: This is inspired by a "fling" from a famous cleaning list, with a twist....

Take a few minutes and go around your home and see if you can find 31 things that don't belong! Old junk mail, catalogs you never really needed, old receipts that you don't need for taxes....31 pieces of rubbish cluttering our homes! If you can't find 31 pieces for the waste bin, how about 31 things that aren't in *their* homes? Children's shoes out of place? Do you have a spot that just attracts clutter? Clear out those clutter-monsters! How about your purse? Your Car?

Tomorrow is Saturday, a day for family, you don't want to spend it cleaning what should have been done during the week!

And why 31? For the ~Proverbs 31 woman~ of course! :-) God Bless!

"She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness." Proverbs 31:27


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