Homeschooling Helps III
The links we have been sharing come from "Homeschool Your Child For Free" published in 2000 but if you visit her website you have the opportunity to try and win her newest version with updated links coming out soon. Here is another installment from Jew for Jesus but she does have a disclaimer though: "I would also like to make a disclaimer. There will be another edition ofthis book comming out soon. I will share the links that work from the 2000edition and several other books that came out in the 90's. I will not sharethe links from the new book. That is not fair to the author. She has goneto a lot of work to make the book and that is how she makes her money. I do suggest that you get the new book when it comes out. I will let you knowwhen that is so that you can go and look for it.These are information links. I will let you know if they are exceptionallinks or if I would be careful with the link. Then it is up to you todecide how to go from there."