Menu Plan Monday UPDATE

TUESDAY:  Didn't feel like spaghetti so I made Cajun Dirty Rice and brussel sprouts - it was delicious!

TODAY, WEDNESDAY:  Because I don't feel well tonight was supposed to be Shake-n-Bake Chicken but tonight will be leftovers of meatloaf, dirty rice, and veggies.

THURSDAY:  will be Shake-n-Bake Chicken, broccoli cheddar brown rice (this sounded better than just seasoned brown rice, don't you think?  LOL) and of couse we will have some sort of veggie.  I'm thinking of digging at the bottom of the freezer and getting out the frozen zucchini and squash.  Yep!  That is what I will do!  Nothing like the taste of summer to help get rid of the cold winter blues!


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