Long Time No Blog! Free Homeschooling Resources!

It's been a while since I lasted blogged as I am SUPER busy these days!  This past year was our first OFFICIAL year of notifying the state that we are homeschooling and so we have been busy doing just that, Homeschooling :-)

So without further ado I have compiled PART ONE of resources that I have found that have been or will be beneficial to me and my children in the future.  I hope that you will share with me any helpful resources that you might know about or have on your blog!  Let us help each other!

History - American Heritage - http://www.americanheritage.org/k-12_lessons.html - FREE - This is grouped by Elem, Middle & HS.

Art – Blick: http://www.dickblick.com/lesson-plans/videos/ - FREE – this is art explained with video and a downloadable. It also has Art History and blends art with other subjects like Social Studies, etc. I think this site is pretty awesome!

Here it is broken down by grade levels:





Art – Color Me Masterpiece – FREE – this site is for all age groups and is AWESOME too! If you are studying Masterpiece Paintings, Sculpture or American Art this site allows you to print out a black and white line drawing of the masterpiece and you color it in. This can be done by your own interpretation or with the colors/shading originally done by the Artist. I plan to use this even with my littles! http://www.color-me-online.com/masterpiece/index.html

Art and Musichttp://www.wga.hu/frames-e.html?/welcome.html - Guided Tours of different artists and their time periods. Classical Music that you can play as an .mp3 on your computer


• Academic Kids Encyclopedia of Geography with LOTS of links - http://academickids.com/encyclopedia/index.php/Geography

• American Landmarks - http://www.kidport.com/RefLib/SocialStudies/Landmarks/Landmarks.htm

• FREE Maps – These are online interactive, printable, map puzzles, etc. - http://www.yourchildlearns.com/geography.htm

• Paper Dolls Around the World, Careers, etc. (for girls and boys) - http://www.education.com/worksheets/paper-dolls/  - this is geared (in my opinion) more towards the younger group

• National Geographic Geography Games - http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids/games/geographygames/

• United States – State profiles which includes land area, population, name origins, entrance into union, and so much more - http://www.infoplease.com/states.html

• United States Games - http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games.htm  (I LOVE sheppardssoftware.com – it is a free online game site but it is educational for preK thru whatever grade you have! My children have learned quite a bit here.)

• Geography Games - http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/Geography.htm


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